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O‘ahu to continue in Tier 3 four more weeks

HONOLULU -- The Blangiardi administration met with Governor Ige and his public health experts this morning regarding Mayor Blangiardi's written request from May 4, 2021 to modify the metrics for the Tier system. After a discussion that included a review of vaccination numbers and percentages, daily COVID-19 counts and positivity rates on O‘ahu, and state Department of Health concerns regarding COVID-19 variants, Mayor Blangiardi and Governor Ige agreed that the City and County of Honolulu would remain in Tier 3 for another four weeks while the county and the state work together on incorporating vaccination counts on O‘ahu into modified metrics for the Tier system.

Based on the potential for vaccination counts to play an increasingly significant role in Tier movements in the future, Mayor Blangiardi urged all O‘ahu residents eligible for vaccinations to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

"The health of O‘ahu's residents and economy are directly tied to the resistance of our island community to the spread of COVID-19," said Mayor Rick Blangiardi. "With vaccine available on a walk-in basis at numerous locations on O‘ahu, and the Pfizer vaccine anticipated to be approved for people age 12 and older starting next week, all non-vaccinated residents should get vaccinated now. The opening of O‘ahu's economy depends on a high percentage of our resident population obtaining immunity. We are aiming at a minimum target of 70% of all residents being fully vaccinated. The sooner we get vaccinated, the sooner we can protect our resident population and reopen O‘ahu's economy."

For vaccination locations and more information please visit:

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