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Learn More About The City's Downtown/Chinatown Complete Streets Plan
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Learn more about the city's Downtown/Chinatown Complete Streets plan
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Honolulu -- A series of public events are being held this month to discuss plans for Complete Streets improvements in the Downtown/Chinatown area that will make roads safer for drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and bus riders (see attachment).
The Department of Transportation Services is participating in nearly a dozen community events including street pop-ups, lunch and learns, neighborhood board meetings and a Complete Streets Expo. Community input will be used in creating the final design. Find out more information at or by e-mailing
Pop-up events will be held this Thursday, February 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the ARTS at Marks Garage, and next Wednesday February 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pacific Guardian Center Courtyard. Complete Streets Program Administrator Michael Packard and the project team will be present to answer questions and receive feedback.
Several Lunch and Learn presentations will allow for a more detailed presentation and a review of street-level concept plans. Lunch will be provided; please RSVP to at least two days in advance and specify any dietary restrictions. The presentations will be held Friday, February 17 at noon at Madre Chocolate, Thursday, February 23 at noon at the Hawai‘i Community Development Authority, and Friday, February 24 at noon at the AIA Center for Architecture.
A Community Symposium & Complete Streets Expo will take place Wednesday, March 15, 2017 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Laniakea YWCA at 1040 Richards Street. This major event will feature a presentation, open house, and complete streets expo with activities and giveaways. There will be multiple ways to engage and provide input.
Stakeholder Meetings or Group Presentations are available for groups or associations interested in learning more.Contact to request a meeting or presentation, subject to availability.
In 2016, the City and County of Honolulu finalized its Complete Streets Design Manual and hired a Complete Streets Program Administrator under the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) to move toward implementation of improvements that make Honolulu's streets and neighborhoods safe and inviting for users of all ages and abilities.
Planned roadway rehabilitation projects in the Downtown and Chinatown areas provide an exciting opportunity over the next two to four years to improve roads and sidewalks to better accommodate all users. In addition to addressing community-expressed desires, these proposed improvements answer the need to accommodate increased multimodal demand from the planned rail system and bike share program. In other words, an increasing number of people will be taking more trips by transit, walking, and bicycling in Downtown and Chinatown. This is good news from many perspectives, including health, sustainability and infrastructure demands.
The improvements being proposed for Downtown and Chinatown are one step toward a larger effort to enhance the multimodal environment throughout Honolulu. Improvements will be coordinated with roadway rehabilitation and repaving programs, and will be designed to be constructed within the existing travel-way (the area between curbs). This will allow for visible improvements to the multimodal environment within a relatively short time frame of two to four years.
Improvements range from pavement markings that delineate bike lanes and routes, to sidewalk bulbouts that extend the sidewalk and improve the visibility of pedestrians. Also included are raised medians and protected intersections that separate bicyclists from sidewalks and moving traffic. The preliminary plans reflect a range of solutions on key streets within the area from River Street to Punchbowl Street, makai of Vineyard Boulevard.
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