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Association Of Hawaii Artists (AHA) - Call to Artists: 47th Annual Aloha Show
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Prospectus for the 47th Annual Aloha Show
(Exhibit Open to the Public Tuesday, May 23 to Friday, June 15, 2017; M-F, 8a.m.to4:30p.m.Closed on weekends. Opening Reception on Thursday, June 1, 2017, 4-6 p.m. Public is invited.)
- Entering artists must be AHA members in good standing of AHA.To join the AHA, fill in the attached AHA membership application form. Please add the annual membership fee of $35 to the show entry fee when submitting your work. Artists must be members in good standing of AHA to enter the show.
- All work you submit must be original; we will NOT accept work produced under instruction or copied from another's work or from copyright references. All art mediums accepted.
- Artwork exhibited in any previously juried AHA exhibition is not eligible.Work submitted must have been created within three years of exhibit date.
- Original (first print) of digital works will be accepted. Giclées and multiple printings will NOT be accepted.
Submissions: Digital images of all artwork must be emailed to by 6:00 PM on Friday, April 21st, 2017. Images must be 300 dpi and in JPEG format. Title each image as follows: ArtistLastName-Title-FinishedSize.jpg. Include entry form with each submission.
Once you have submitted all your images, fill out the entry form and mail it with your entry fee to: AHA Aloha Show, PO Box 22274, Honolulu, HI 96823. Checks should be made out to the AHA (Association of Hawaii Artists). If you have any questions, email Jessica Orfe at Include membership fee/renewal of $35 payable to AHA with your entry fee submission.
Entry Fee:
$30 for the first two (2) pieces. $5 for each piece thereafter. Sets are counted as individual pieces, i.e., diptychs are two pieces. Please review the Entry and Eligibility Rules carefully, as the entry fee is NOT refundable.
Entry Day: Monday, May 22, 2017, 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Only artists who have been notified that their works have been selected should bring their work to Honolulu Hale on this date. Refer to "Display Rules" in the Prospectus before arriving. No payments will be accepted on Entry Day due to Mayor's rules. Absolute deadline is 9:30 a.m. No late entries will be accepted.
Exhibit Address:
Honolulu Hale, City & County of Honolulu, 550 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
Parking: Drop-off in front will be limited to 5 minutes or you will be ticketed Have someone in the car move it.
Juror: TBD
Awards: Best in Show; First Place, Second Place,Third Place;Three (3) Honorable Mentions
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 1, 2016; Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Parking in the City & County parking garage is free after 4:30 p.m. Artists who are accepted to the show are asked to bring a pupu to share.
End of Show and Pick up of Artwork: Friday, June 16, 2017, 9 -10:30 am.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: YOU MUST NOT FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR ART. WE HAVE NO PROVISIONS FOR STORAGE. Unclaimed art will be donated. DO NOT RELY ON US TO REMIND YOU OF PICK UP DAY. Please also be aware that the building is locked after 6 p.m. and closed on weekends.
when told.We suggest that you park in the City & County Employee parking garage.
It is free after 4:30 p.m. when attending the opening reception.
90 years of art leadership Founded in 1926
Download the full prospectus here:
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The Association of Honolulu Artists was established in 1926. The Honolulu Art Academy did not exist at that time. With the exception of the Bishop Museum, there was no focal point for the arts. That year a small group of friends eager for cultural exchange gathered to discuss the arts and establish themselves as a membership organization devoted to the support and promotion of the growing arts community. This core group came to be known as "The Association of Honolulu Artists".
By the 1930's, the population of Honolulu had grown to a city of over 200,000 residents and the new prestigious Art Academy was visited by almost 50,000 people. AHA was gaining recognition and news coverage on their regularly held art exhibits. Gathering momentum, the periodic art shows that they sponsored grew more frequent and much broader in scope throughout the next few decades. Cash awards for first place winners were replaced with war bonds during the turbulent war years.
Celebrating its 88th Anniversary in 2014, AHA is not only the oldest but also the most diverse art organization in Hawaii. It has had an enormous impact on the public's enthusiasm and appreciation for the arts. The name was changed from the Association of Honolulu Artists to the Association of Hawaii Artists in order to encompass all islands in the State of Hawaii. After almost eight decades, we are still a vibrant art force in Hawaii. We promote the multimedia arts and its artists members and we build on a foundation where artists of all media can come together for comradeship, education, showmanship, and moral support. We encourage the expression of our diverse cultural heritage and explore themes that reflect the islands' current issues. We have two jury shows every year along with additional exhibitions that are hosted with the city and the business community. We work to promote art education and growth through AHA's educational programs, scholarships, workshops and group demonstrations.
Hawaii has a high percentage of the population that characterizes themselves as practicing Artists. Some artist members are professional artists, others practice art as an avocation and serious interest, and some are beginning artists and students. We are accessible. We encourage work in all media and of all interested artists. We enthusiastically invite you to join AHA whether you are an artist or a patron.
Please join us!
Download and print out a copy of the membership form. Mail it back to:
The Association of Hawaii Artists
PO Box 10202
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-0202
After we receive your Membership Form and payment, you will receive E-bulletins/e-mails (please include your e-mail address on the Membership Form) with the latest AHA news, art news, links to AHA prospectuses, news on members, call-to-artists, member's exhibits, and other upcoming exhibits.
We have at least two major juried exhibits each year--one in the Spring or Summer and another in the Fall. Members may also enter our non-juried exhibits at the Honolulu Country Club (HCC). These shows and prospectuses will be announced to members through E-bulletins and on the AHA website. Check our calendar of events and come back often to see what else might be new.
Upon your request, we will link member's website addresses on our AHA website, "Members Websites" page. Please include your request on your application or e-mail your request to us.
We encourage members to volunteer and participate in our exhibits.
If interested in our By-laws please click.
Meet the Board Members. We will be happy to answer all your questions.
Questions? Ready for an appointment?
Association of Hawaii Artists
The oldest art organization in Hawaii founded in 1926.
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