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  • First Friday Hawaii
    Event Calendar Item

  • Louis Pohl Gallery - "Women and Watercolor"

  • Type: Exhibit
    Date: Friday - 2/4/2011
    Time: 5pm - 9pm
    Louis Pohl Gallery
    1111 Nuuanu Avenue
    Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
    Phone: 808-521-1812
    View Map
"Women and Watercolor", Louis Pohl Gallery, 1111 Nuuanu Avenue, February 12-March 11

Hawaii Watercolor Society artists Linda Bachrach, Patrice Federspiel, Deborah Pacheco, and Arlene G. Woo offer

a variety of subjects and styles in water media. Meet the artists February 18 from 5-8 and First Friday March 4.

Linda Bachrach's contemporary watercolors are influenced by five years of training in classical Chinese brush painting and Japanese calligraphy.

Most pieces begin as sketchbook impressions. Colors from palettes she's developed to render the hues of the sites she sketches in Japan and Hawaii are applied in her studio.

Fine penstrokes or brushstrokes add a final layer of black-ink detail.

Linda's Street Cats Of Honolulu are the cats she meets on early morning walks in the Diamond Head neighborhood...where roaming cats enjoy a mild climate, a healthy population of mice and small birds, and treats from many local walkers.

The friendly and playful Diamond Head cats are one of the hidden joys of life in Honolulu.

The images on this commercial site are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced without the artist's written consent.

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  • Louis Pohl Gallery
    The Louis Pohl Gallery is dedicated to featuring Hawaii artists whose works reflect the standards of excellence, creativity, and inventive spirit for which its namesake was known during his lifetime.
    1142 Bethel Street, Honolulu, HI (View Map)
  • Watercolors by Linda Bachrach
    Hawaii Watercolor Society artist who loves to paint cats and dogs in an imaginative style. Linda Bachrach's art can be viewed at Cafe Joy at 1028 Nu'uanu St. At Louis Pohl Gallery 10/3/2014
  • Hawaii Watercolor Society
    To nurture and stimulate interest in water media through education, exhibitions, and collaboration with other organizations, associations, and individuals. Hawai'i Watercolor Society Annual Open Exhibition at Marks Garage 10/3/2014
    1159 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, HI (View Map)

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